Academic Article
Impact of Digital Technology on Buddhist Education
- Title
- Impact of Digital Technology on Buddhist Education
- Author
- Ashin Paṇḍavaṃsa
- Type
- Research Paper
- Format
- Language
- English
- Subject
- Buddhist Studies
- Date
- 2022
- Place
- Mandalay
- Publisher
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Rights Holder
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Abstract
This paper encourages learners and teachers to study and teach the Buddhist literatures by the aid of modern technology. Why should it be used in conjunction with modern technology in Buddhist education? First, this question will be addressed with 21st century skills requirements in these days. Second, it will explore how other religions are using modern technology to do missionary work. Like other religions, modern technology should be used in the study of Buddhist literature. Sitagu Buddhist Academy will be the evidence of how Buddhist literature is being taught in conjunction with modern technology. In this paper, it will also state that what is pushing the educational organizations to move from conventional to modern online education. According to the urging of the times, a step-by-step project implemented at Sitagu Buddhist Academy (Mandalay) for practical use of digital technology will be described. It will highlight the current results that are currently being used and beneficial at Sitagu Buddhist Academy (Mandalay). For example: SBAMDY Library Portal (SBALMDY), Online learning portal (SBAM) and Kuthodaw Pitaka Digital Library. As we enter the 21st century, it is time to use modern technology in higher Buddhist education.
KEYWORDS: Buddhism, IT, online learning, missionary, education
- Item sets
- SBAM 2nd Annual Seminar Proceedings 2022
Position: 221 (56 views)