Academic Article
A Socio-Ethical Perspective on Root Causes of Violence Against Women
- Title
- A Socio-Ethical Perspective on Root Causes of Violence Against Women
- Author
- Ma Ñāṇvatī
- Type
- Research Paper
- Format
- Language
- English
- Subject
- Buddhist Studies
- Date
- 2019
- Place
- Mandalay
- Publisher
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Rights Holder
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Abstract
Violence against women is a human dignity violation and a major barrier to developing human societies. Violence against women is dependent on the cultural, social, political, economic and religious contexts. “Violence against women and girls includes violence within the family, the community and violence perpetrated by (or condoned by) the state.” Within society, rape, sexual abuse, harassment and in education, and intimidation at work or modern slavery, forced prostitution and trafficking are all forms of violence against women. As a weapon of war, some country uses sexual violence. Violence against women ruins individual women and young girl's psychological, physical, socio-economic, and educational growths. Most of the women are discriminated against, and violence against in various fields and they generally suffer abuses in many subtle forms. In this research, primary data and secondary data were gathered from the relevant books, research reports, magazines, official reports, websites, etc. In this study, though, offenders and the women who had been victims of sexual violence were not met in person, data were gathered from the book of ''100 cases'' which public from Legal Clinic Myanmar. In the book of ''100 cases'' described the women who had been victims to sexual violence in Yangon division, Mandalay division, Ayeyarwady division, Kachin State and Rakhine State.
Keywords: Root causes, Violence Against Women, Sexual Violence, Physical Violence, Discrimination
- Item sets
- SBAM Annual Seminar Proceedings 2019
Position: 167 (70 views)