Academic Article
Pariyatti Education and the Monk's Attitude
- Title
- Pariyatti Education and the Monk's Attitude
- Author
- Ashin Vindaka
- Type
- Research Paper
- Format
- Language
- English
- Subject
- Buddhist Studies
- Date
- 2019
- Place
- Mandalay
- Publisher
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Rights Holder
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Abstract
There has been decreasing Samgha and has the wrong attitude of students towards Pariyatti education for recent decades in Myanmar. From the earliest ages, the king’s introduction of formal monastic examination has been assumed to be evidence of royal devotion to the Order. Later, monastic education has been separated into two, formal examination and informal monastic education. To have the right attitudes towards Pariyatti education is inter-connected with the faith, right view of the students, teaching process, and encouragements of the devotees. This paper attempts to encourage the students to study Pariyatti education with the right attitudes as the Buddha taught. A large part of the paper is devoting to reconstructing the historical process by looking at the impact of geopolitical developments on teaching methods. The paper introduces the situation and historical background of monastic education from the Ava dynasty to now. It is also mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of formal monastic education examination and informal monastic education. The problems and attitudes of the student-monk towards Pariyatti education are described in this paper. Besides, the different perspectives of elderly monks toward Pariyatti education and Sāsana, the three attitudes towards Pariyatti education as the Buddha taught in Algaddupama Sutta: Algaddupama Pariyatti, Nissaranatha Pariyatti, and Bhandagarika Pariyatti and the current student-monk attitudes towards Pariyatti education are mentioned in this paper. Finally, it focuses on the current state of monastic education and analyzes the Samgha’s lack of proactive vision and its failure to reach a consensus on the aims of education.
Keywords: Attitudes, Pariyatti education, formal, informal, right view, teaching methods
- Item sets
- SBAM Annual Seminar Proceedings 2019
Position: 88 (89 views)