Academic Article
Buddha's Instruction for The Acquisition of Wealth
- Title
Buddha's Instruction for The Acquisition of Wealth
- Author
- Ashin Indāvudha
- Type
- Research Paper
- Format
- Language
- English
- Subject
- Buddhist Studies
- Date
- 2019
- Place
- Mandalay
- Publisher
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Rights Holder
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Abstract
The study is based on Theravāda Buddhist Scriptures, and it is documentary research and descriptive analysis. As reference sources, the study uses Buddhist Scriptures of the Pāli Canon in Theravāda Buddhism. These Buddhist Scriptures are said to be the original and earliest texts in Buddhism, being first written more than 2500 years ago. They are generally recognized as the direct teachings of the Buddha and his followers at that time. The primary reason for using the Pāli Canon in this study is an attempt to base the theory on the original teachings of the Buddha as much as possible. This paper is to describe the Buddhist economic ethics and the method of Buddhist economy. This research is an attempt to explain about the primary variable of theoretical analysis of the economy in Buddhist organizations and to express the economic function of Buddhist societies. This focuses on the Buddhist economic ethics, philosophy, and system that is found in the Tipiṭaka. This research does not compare the prevailing conditions of economics with the Buddhist Economic Philosophy. The research has undertaken this work to deal with the Cakkavattisīhanāda, Kuṭadanta, Sigālovāda Sutta and Aggañña Sutta in the Dīghanikāya, and a few from the Aṅguttaranikāya namely, the Pattakamma, Ariyavaṃsa, Vyagghapajja, and Aṇanaya Sutta, etc.
Keywords: Buddhist Economic Ethic, Acquisition of Wealth, saving of wealth, spending of wealth, protecting of wealth
- Item sets
- SBAM Annual Seminar Proceedings 2019
Position: 206 (58 views)