Academic Article
Today Myanmar Young Men and the Mental Personality of Obedience (Sovasassatā)
- Title
Today Myanmar Young Men and the Mental Personality of Obedience (Sovasassatā)
- Author
- Ashin Candobhasa
- Type
- Research Paper
- Format
- Language
- English
- Subject
- Buddhist Studies
- Place
- Mandalay
- Publisher
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Rights Holder
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Abstract
This paper will present the nature of today Myanmar young men on mental personality of obedience and observance (Sovasassatā) from Buddhist point of views. The sources of data consist of surveys collected from university students attending Yadanabon University, Mandalay University and Sagaing University of Education. Today relationship between elder and young men are not very close and young men are paying more attention to physical development but they ignore the importance of mental development. The study will make Myanmar young men know the significant role of mental personality in their future lives. Obedience and observance are the most important things to be good teachers, leaders, and followers in human society. Without obedience and observance, it is not very easy to create a peaceful world because they play a crucial role in getting a mutual understanding with each other. Although there are generation gaps between elder and young men, teachers and pupils and offspring and parents, it is anyway impossible to stop the relationship between them. To develop a country or to get peace in our country and to be united and to be peaceful in family and parties, it always needs the power of young men and the strength of men and parents. So, the focus of this paper is to know the importance of obedience and observance in family, business, society and the future of country and world.
Keywords: Mental personality, young men, obedience, observance, Buddhist point of views
- Item sets
- SBAM Annual Seminar Proceedings 2019
Position: 206 (58 views)