Academic Article
Waning Age (Kaliyuga) and Its Influence over Decline in Education
- Title
- Waning Age (Kaliyuga) and Its Influence over Decline in Education
- Author
- Ashin Obhāsa
- Type
- Research Paper
- Format
- Language
- English
- Subject
- Buddhist Studies
- Date
- 2019
- Place
- Mandalay
- Publisher
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Rights Holder
- Sitagu Buddhist Academy Mandalay
- Abstract
Word has power. It can make one either stronger or weaker. There is a saying of a teacher – “Today students are weaker in learning process than their days. This is one of the appearances of Waning Age.” As a result, all students think, say, and act as rapidly inculcated like that. Thus, their creative ability is in decline. Here the survey result shows that eight root-causes - (1) Bad Policy, (2) Decline in economy, (3) Waning Age, (4) Poor Support, (5) Lack of Guarantee, (6) Growing up in lousy society, (7) Lack of knowledge on the value of wisdom, and (8) Lack of passion - can mainly cause the decline in education. Of them, the survey result asserts that only lack of passion for being wise and educated is directly connected with the decline in education even if all live in Waning Age, the declining environment more than before. Therefore, it needs to be re-criticized that education is in decline because all live in Waning Age. Instead, it should be accepted and inculcated that education is in decline just because passion to develop education is not cultivated. Therefore, the weaker exertion of today’s youth community is not because of the concept of Waning Age, but merely because of their weak passion. If one can criticize based on the supportive skills that can raise the evaluation, such as strong desire (Chanda), endeavor (Viriya) and knowledge (Paññā), waning age will not be significant.
Keywords: Waning Age, Influence, Mindset, Decline in Education, Passion
- Item sets
- SBAM Annual Seminar Proceedings 2019
Position: 189 (62 views)